
My name is Keith Jackson. I am a French-to-English translator . I translate from French into British or Australian English.

I enable you to make all your business transactions and content in English more reliable so that you can develop your international business with total peace of mind.

I have been living in France for over 30 years, including 16 years in finance and IT at Euronext, as well as several years at UNESCO and Essec-IMD.

Why call on me? Because:
– DIY translation is costly in terms of money, time and energy
– you have a technically complex translation (untranslatable format, etc.)
– you are afraid of a misunderstanding that could have serious consequences

When there is a lot of repetition across projects or pages, you never pay twice for the same translation.
What’s more, you always benefit from direct contact with an experienced, fast, mother-tongue translator who is there when you need him.
I am certified by the Chartered Institute of Linguists (UK) and by NAATI (Australia).